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    Maurice Charles JJ (Be)

    Maurice Charles JJ définit encore comme instrumentiste, travaillant principalement la pâte sonore, le souffle, les sons multiphoniques, la richesse de timbre, les sons non orthodoxes et modes de jeux contemporains…

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    Alice Jarry (Qc)

    Her digital art installations question the notion of arrangements and the impact of the material in the generation of dynamic, accidental and ephemeral forms…

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    Corentin Clouet (Fr)

    Corentin Clouet developed an early passion for the digital field. His work is mainly visual. He likes to surprise people through images, using the latter as a language…

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    Maurice Benayoun (Fr)

    Considered as one of the digital creation leaders, Maurice Benayoun’s work is not limited to technological practices. According to him, the OPEN MEDIA ART ranges from photography to video, installation, performance…

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    Arnaud Biais (Fr)

    Fascinated by objects provided by our fetishistic relationship to them, the core of his practice is mainly turned to the invention of new models…

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    haydiroket aka Mert Keskin (Tur)

    Under the pseudonym Haydiroket, Merter Keskin is one of GIF editors and main residents of the Tumblr platform. He had an exhibition at the age of five from the Atari game system, was part of the Demoscene in the early hours of the 90s…

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    Arnaud Rebotini (Fr)

    Former member of Black Strobe (founded with Ivan Smagghe), Arnaud Rebotini (French groovy and open musician and producer) will be alone on stage behind his analogue synths and drum machines…

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    Iban Fernandez (Fr)

    Alongside his scientific baccalaureate, he attended painting classes at the Art School of the City Basque Coast-Adour where he joined in a preparatory class to high school…

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    Francesca Fini (It)

    Un film surréaliste qui utilise des séquences issues du domaine public. L’artiste y a mis l’accent sur la figure féminine, omniprésente au sein de l’univers linguistique…

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    Peter M Friess (De)

    While studying for a doctorate in the fields of space and self-organizing systems, he began his artistic work in 1993. His interest in theories of perception about colors incited him to study composition and painting…

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    Elisabeth Creusen (Be)

    Elisabeth Creusen’s work is to replicate or recreate networks based on the human / nature relationship, treat them in volumetric and tactile ways (especially in the development for the reception)…

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    Simon Dumas – Rhizome (Qc)

    While Simon Dumas studied literature at Laval University in 2000, he co-founded Rhizome, an organization dedicated to research and creation in the field of literary expression out of the book. Therefore, he heads the artistic direction….

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    Junkai Chen (Cn)

    Before leaving for France, Jukain Chen conducted a study of sculpture in the visual institute of Shanghai. He then followed the visual art studies at the Art School La Villa Arson…

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    Philippe Baudelot (Fr)

    Semiotics and consultant in digital arts, Philippe Baudelot created in 1998 the multimedia sector of the Monaco Dance Forum. He heads the Digital Dance Department until 2006…

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    Transnumeriques Awards – Art(s) & Network(s)

    Après un focus sur les performances et installations en réseaux lors des éditions précédentes, l’édition 2015 des Transnumeriques Awards s’attarde sur le format GIF et ses images animées…

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    Reynold Reynolds (EU)

    1 Part 7 offers simultaneously an intensive crushing of linear perspective, anamorphosis and sfumato, mixing other visual systems, implicitly comparing the beginnings of the perspective of the early Renaissance…

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    Ding Shiwei (Chn)

    In a fantastic space tinged with absurd ideology, modern industry is exposed and the utopian ideal that mesmerizes society. However, ethnic communities are sidelined from the policy, which is governed by rules and atrocious restrictions…

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    Mauricio Dwek (Br)

    Mauricio Dwek is a Brazilian engineer who is currently a researcher at the laboratory of the Grenoble Institute of Technology in the field of recycling and eco-design…

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    Alexandra Dementieva (Ru/Be)

    Alexandra Dementieva’s main interest is focused on social psychology and perception and their application in multimedia interactive installations…

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    Rémi Amiot (Fr)

    Rémi Amiot was born in 1988 in Paris. In 2010 he graduated in Fine Arts at the University Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, a DNAP in 2013 at the National Art School of Dijon, then a DNSEP in 2015 at the National College of Art Nice….

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    Vincent Paesmans (Be)

    The collective d23D was born from the meeting between Alexander Ketele, a sculptor and professor of sculpture at the Academy of Arts of Anderlecht and his student Vincent Paesmans, visual and digital artist…

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    Jean-Paul Fourmentraux (Fr)

    Master of Conferences in Information Sciences and Communication in the Department Culture, DECCID UFR, University of Lille 3. Doctor of Sociology, accredited to supervise doctoral research by the University Paris V Sorbonne…

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    Stéphane Trois Carrés (Vidéoformes – Fr)

    Stéphane Trois Carrés is a video artist. Creator Ripoulin Brothers group in the 80s, he pursued an artistic approach between painting, video and digital arts…

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    Natan Karczmar (Fr)

    Natan Karczmar (born January 3, 1933 in Paris), is a cultural organizer in the fields of theater and the diffusion of art, mainly in France, Canada, and Israel. He is also an artist in « art of communication » as well as a painter and photographer….

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    Florent Eeckeman (Fr)

    Florent Eeckeman is a multidisciplinary artist. His practice is related to digital tools to their specific technological and plastics. The raw material (images, sounds, texts…) that made his work is largely derived from Internet…

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    Vincent Evrard (Be)

    Vincent Evrard is a “geek”, graphic designer, artist, programmer. He studied at ESA St-Luc Liège in graphics and digital arts ERG Brussels. He developed man / machine interactions and tactile interfaces, interactive systems…

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    Gauthier Keyaerts (Be)

    Musicien, compositeur, concepteur sonore, producteur discographique et artiste multimédia. Il mêle DJ set, art sonore, hörspiel créé en temps réel et installation interactives…

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    Alexander Ketele (Be)

    The collective d23D was born from the meeting between Alexander Ketele, a sculptor and professor of sculpture at the Academy of Arts of Anderlecht and his student Vincent Paesmans, visual and digital artist…

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    Luis Miguel Girao (Pt)

    Luis Miguel Girao, fondateur d’Artshare, est un artiste transdisciplinaire et chercheur dans le domaine des technologies comme outil pour l’expression artistiques…

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    Philippe Boisnard (Fr)

    Philippe Boisnard’s work has questioned for many years the formation of man through the materiality of the codes and representations related to the political dimension as well as the social or economic dimensions…

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    Dimitri Baheux (Be)

    Student at Art au Carré, IDM, his work is mainly based on the ills of society: surveillance, manipulation, injustice. Without moralizing position, he tries to highlight what contaminates our lives…

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    Ludovic Burczykowski (Fr)

    Ludovic Burczykowski creates digital environments and stage devices for shows, performances and art installations. It is also a doctorate in aesthetics, sciences and arts technologies…

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    Gregory Robin (Fr)

    Musicien puis photographe, Gregory Robin s’oriente vers la réalisation dès 2003. Il s’y consacre entièrement depuis 2006. Ses premiers clichés témoignent déjà d’une esthétique très personnelle…

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    Helga Deaegher (Be)

    Helga Desagher’s practice oscillates between performance and video installation, her works deal with the intimate, the body, the reflection of self or life, identity, nature.…

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    Alain Longuet (Vidéoformes – Fr)

    After learning self-taught photo and film during scientific studies, he started in the 80s in creative experiments that are created through the development of new information technologies…

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    Coline Dupuis (Fr)

    Coline Dupuis from southern France is a student at the Nice National Superior Art School, the Villa Arson. Her research on sculpture questions the possibilities of projection surfaces in parallel with a video work. In 2014 she gets a DNAP…

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    Arthur Baude (Fr)

    Born in 1988, Arthur Baude is an explorer of the image. First, he became passionate about film photography when his father gave him an old camera, with some film and a development kit…

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    Christophe Laventure (Fr)

    Fixed camera and external voices. The author’s drafting of the text and its oral transcript.

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    James Hudson (Aus/De)

    Being both a programmer and performer/dancer, he supports various artistic and creative projects. In his spare time he is also trying to write his thoughts on paper…

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    Magali Halter (Fr)

    Magali Halter is actually another person. In her performances, she plays, or perhaps is it King Baxter who lives in her, a volcanic character that led to mental and physical wanderings toward a practice of writing and performing…

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    Emmanuel Selva (Fr)

    Student in Visual Arts at the Art School of Mons Arts2 and music lover, Emmanuel Selva tries to keep a foot in both fields to broaden their possibilities of creation…

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    Victor Huguenin (Fr)

    Victor Huguenin studied musicology and got a master in computer music in 2013. He did a specialised course of electroacoustic composition the following year…

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    Derrick de Kerckhove (Be/Ca)

    Derrick De Kerckhove, est sociologue, directeur jusqu’en 2008 du programme McLuhan « Culture and Technology » de l’Université de Toronto. Il est notamment l’auteur de The Skin of Culture et Connected Intelligence…

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    François Zajéga (Be)

    François Zajéga is a digital artist living and working in Belgium. He is currently a researcher at the Institute for New Media Technologies NUMEDIART, where he works in the field of computer vision…

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    Fabien Zocco (Fr)

    explores the plastic potential of IT dematerialisation, applications and other software. Playing with infinite possibilities offered by the digital network, it contains the icons of popular digital culture and virtual aesthetics…

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    Delphine Fabbri Lawson (Fr/It)

    Delphine is a French-Italian artist and curator. She’s also the founder and manager of Fluid Image, a Technological Art production and exhibition organization…

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    Gabriel Soucheyre (Vidéoformes – Fr)

    Director of Vidéoformes, International Digital Arts Festival in Clermont-Ferrand since 1986, and the Vidéoformes Digital Archive. Editor of Turbulences Video, curator for the Galerie de l’art du temps…

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    Arash Nassiri (Ir)

    Tehran nocturnal signs are embedded on aerial images from Los Angeles. During this flight, phone records tell us memories that took place in Tehran. These stories take us back to the past of this city…

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    Maxime Lanneau (Be)

    Digital artist who specializes in 3D. The visualization in space, contemplation and interaction are his main elements. That is why he works with techniques such as mapping and programming….

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    Laura Colmenares Guerra (Be – Co)

Video has been the central focus of her artistic work. Her research materializes in the form of immersive audiovisual installations that delve into the spectator’s perception of space and image…

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    Antoine Outtier (Be)

    In his work, he favors the interactive installation. His purpose is to engage the participation of the viewer so as to give him various feelings. His favorite subjects are space, perception and abstraction…

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    Vidéocollectifs (Int)

    Concept created by Natan Karczmar in the 1990s, Vidéocollectifs are 3-minute-videos offering a view of the city…

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    Ariane Loze (Be)

    Ariane Loze is a young Belgian multidisciplinary artist, as an actress, dancer, performer and video artist. She develops since 2008 Movies on my own, a series of experimental videos…

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    Annabelle Playe (Fr)

    Multidisciplinary artist Annabelle Playe explores voice, sound, video and writing wherever her projects lead. She interprets the contemporary vocal repertoire in different shows….

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    Jacques Urbanska (Be)

    Jacques Urbanska is an actor and trained as a director. Since 2010, he has built a large information network on digital arts ( – twitter @arts_numeriques), but also on various political and societal topics…

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    Delphine Van Laere (Be)

    Delphine Van Laere was born in Brussels area in 1993. After high school in Languages Sciences, she entered the École Supérieure des Arts de Mons, the Carré des Arts in 2012. She is currently in 3rd Bachelor in Digital Arts…

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    Vivian Barigand (Be)

    Visual artist and experimental musician, Vivian Barigand develops a multidisciplinary practice combining installations, performances and videos, questioning the body, sound and image…

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    Julie Kern Donck (Be)

    Julie Kern Donck young artist in the last year of master in ENSAV Printed Image section in La Cambre (Brussels). She works with the printed image, installation, both traditionally and digitally, providing a global reflection…

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    Gianluca Abbate (It)

    The city, in its preliminary form, is about to move. The large megacities are worlds, we find all ethnicities, all cultures, all religions. At the same time, the world itself becomes a city…

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    Guida Inês Maurício (Pt/Be)

    She graduated in dance interpretation and composition at the Escola Superior de Dança in Lisbon, Portugal. In Portugal, she worked as a performer in several dance companies…

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    Eglé Vismantaite (Lt)

    Egle Vismanté was born in 1990 in Vilnius, Lithuania. She has attended several courses in Art in Lithuania and France. Currently in her final year student at ENSA Villa Arson, Nice…

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    Videoformes festival (Fr)

    Since 1984, VIDEOFORMES has acted as a permanent observatory of new developments in video and digital contemporary art and has been providing various opportunities for presentation, meetings and reflections…