Delphine is a French-Italian artist and curator. She’s also the founder and manager of Fluid Image, a Technological Art…
Mauricio Dwek is a Brazilian engineer who is currently a researcher at the laboratory of the Grenoble Institute of…
Master of Conferences in Information Sciences and Communication in the Department Culture, DECCID UFR, University of Lille 3. Doctor…
Julie Kern Donck young artist in the last year of master in ENSAV Printed Image section in La Cambre…
Student at Art au Carré, IDM, his work is mainly based on the ills of society: surveillance, manipulation, injustice….
Digital artist who specializes in 3D. The visualization in space, contemplation and interaction are his main elements. That is…
Helga Desagher’s practice oscillates between performance and video installation, her works deal with the intimate, the body, the reflection…
Florent Eeckeman is a multidisciplinary artist. His practice is related to digital tools to their specific technological and plastics….
Elisabeth Creusen’s work is to replicate or recreate networks based on the human / nature relationship, treat them in…
Delphine Van Laere was born in Brussels area in 1993. After high school in Languages Sciences, she entered the…