The mirror of memory (work in progress)
The mirror of memory is an installation with a water surface reflecting images, and perceptions and digitally manipulated and projected to create a game, a dialogue between the present and the past. These reflections are projected onto a conical screen giving a sense of decline, memory shrinkage. Water as a mirror, as sensitive mass that reacts by motion sensors, with its environment.
When a presence is detected, the water is set in motion by means of transducers which disrupt the surface of the water. These vibrations change the act of thinking and give it a volatile and oneiric aspect. The position and movement of the viewer influences the magnitude and shape of these vibrations. This interaction also plays on time, the video projected swinging imperceptibly between images of past and present.
Production : with the support of Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles (arts numériques) and Transcultures
- Manège de Sury
- 1 Rue des Droits de L’Homme, Mons
- 27.11 > 12.12.2015
- 12:00 > 18:00
- closed on Mondays